Test Sheet for All MKG Kids!

This Cycle’s Curriculum is a collection of some of the favorite games, and fundamental techniques, of the last two months at Boombox. All elements of the test sheet should be performed by students of both the “Rising Warriors” program, and the full “MKG Youth” program, unless otherwise indicated.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Youth Test Sheet:
All elements to be performed by both “Rising Warriors” and “MKG Youth” groups, unless specifically indicated otherwise.


Students may not touch the ground with any part of their body but their feet, unless specifically told otherwise. This encourages good balance, bodily and spacial awareness, and the ability to run safely as part of a team.

  • Forward Run

  • Jump Over Stick

  • Duck Under Stick

  • Roll Under Stick (any part of body may touch mats while rolling)

  • Evade the Pendulum Swinging Stick


Students should yell out numbers in response to call from coach, demonstrating 10 repetitions of each exercise.

  • Jumping Jacks

  • Squats

  • Straight Punches

  • Front Kicks

  • Push Ups

  • Leg Ups

Self Defense: Wrist Grab Escape

Upon being grabbed, student makes a fist (“turn hand into rock”), and pulls fist past opposite shoulder (“throw the rock”), Warrior Yell, and Run to make space

  • Right Wrist

  • Left Wrist

  • Eyes Closed, Either Wrist

  • Add Shin Kick (“MKG Youth” Only)

  • Add Palm Strike (“MKG Youth” Only)

Evasion Game: Pull the Tail From the Donkey

Demonstrate ability to avoid having a belt removed from back of uniform utilizing circular footwork, spacial awareness, and wrist-grab escapes as necessary

  • Each student: 30 sec round

  • Add Shin Kicks - Optional (“MKG Youth” Only)

Kickboxing Techniques

Demonstrate with Coach Kurt in front of class on Kicking Shield

  1. Right Thai Kick x6

  2. Jab - Cross - Right Thai Kick x6

  3. Left Side Kick x6

  4. Right Thai Kick (Step through) - Left Thai Kick (Step through) - Left Side Kick (“MKG Youth” Only)